Kovico's Pledge for
a Sustainable Development
Kovico strives to comply with its social responsibilities by making sustainable ESG management related to
the environmental, social, and governance, which are non-financial factors of the company, the top priority
of the company, and strengthening management activities to preemptively identify and eliminate risks.
We will minimize environmental pollution through continuous
environmental improvement and reduce carbon energy through
eco-friendly resource activities so that we can take the lead in
preserving the global environment in response to the global climate crisis.
In order to create a society where people live well together,
we will guarantee a humane life to all stakeholders, including executives and
employees, and take the lead in supporting members of society and
the socially disadvantaged so that everyone can live in a fair and
equal environment.
We will go beyond the simple pursuit of profits to meet the needs and
expectations of all stakeholders, spread ethical and compliance management as
well as economic responsibility, and take the lead in fair and transparent transactions.